Instant Payday Loans are short term loans available to you immediately. A payday loan is supposed to help you when you have pressing emergency cash needs like when you want to pay for emergency car repairs, emergency medical bills among similar expenses that can't wait and you don't have the money right away.
Although most payday loans in the UK are typically available within a day, instant payday loans are disbursed in minutes allowing you to take care of the emergency cash need/s. The loans are specifically crafted with “emergency” in mind.
Unplanned expenses or emergency expenses can materialise out of nowhere. You can apply for an Instant payday loan to take care of the following;
• Car trouble (emergency car repairs) • Emergency medical bills • Emergency home repairs such as; plumbing problems and roofing problems. • Funeral expenses • Sudden income change (i.e., delayed salary).
What Are The Requirements For An Instant Payday Loan?
Anyone can qualify for a payday loan as long as you are over 18 years, a UK resident and you have a verifiable source of income. It's that simple! Typical payday loan applications require personal details such as; name, mobile number, address, bank a/c details and income/employment details. SwiftMoney offers no credit payday loans. No credit checks required.
What Precautions Should I take When Taking Out An instant payday loan?
Because instant payday loans are taken in distress situations, most borrowers are oblivious of the kind of deals they should be getting. It's also important to note that the loans es such as instant loans, instant cash loans, quick payday loans, fast payday loans, emergency payday loan, etc.
When looking for an instant payday loan, pay attention to the lender! You shouldn't accept a short-term loan from any lender simply because you are in a hurry! Here are critical factors to consider when taking out an instant payday loan!
This may appear obvious; however, some people still take loans from lenders who aren't reputable. It may be understandable given the urgency when applying for an emergency loan; however, this shouldn't be the reason you take a UK payday loan from a direct lender who isn't approved by the FCA. The FCA or Financial Conduct Authority is the body legally mandated to approve financial services firms in the UK including Payday loan lenders. UK lenders who meet FCA guidelines receive an FCA authorization no. This no. is a testament that the lender or broker has met all the stringent requirements for operation. The FCA has put strict guidelines in place to ensure payday loan borrowers are protected. It is in your best interests to ensure you choose a lender or credit broker who is FCA approved.
Such lenders have their authorisation number clearly displayed on their website. Borrowers must check for the number and confirm its legitimacy on the FCA register: It takes a few seconds to verify if the lender you are using is authorised so you shouldn't overlook this just because you are in a hurry to get money. Furthermore, the consequences of dealing with illegal payday loan lenders/credit brokers are dire. Your personal information could be stolen. You could also be overcharged or fail to secure the loan you need. Your chances of getting justice in case of a dispute are also slim if you deal with unauthorised lenders. SwiftMoney is an FCA-Authorised credit broker: Reference no: 738569
How long should you wait to get an instant payday loan? Well, it's important to note that the word “instant” doesn't mean 2 or 3 seconds. It's impossible for a reputable lender to process and disburse a short term loan in seconds because they must carry out basic checks first. They need to verify your identity and the documents you have submitted such as proof of employment and income. The best payday lenders can do this in minutes because they have automated payday loan application processes. Doing it in seconds is not possible! Avoid lenders that promise to issue payday loans in seconds. It's an outright lie.
Swift Money offer instant loans in the UK, but do not use false claims to lure borrowers. However, we offer loans faster than most payday lenders in the UK. Our instant payday loans are available in 10 minutes (after applications are approved) which is faster than the industry average. As long as a borrower fills in our online loan application properly, applications are approved, and money is disbursed to borrowers within 10 minutes.
Reputable lenders understand the urgency behind instant loans; however, they follow procedures to the letter and don't give false promises.
You can choose an FCA-authorised payday loan lender with impressive lending times; however, you need to consider their loan approval rate as well. Ideally, you want to apply for an debit card payday loans Ravenna OH instant payday loan from a lender with a high approval rate to increase your chances of getting a loan.
An approval rate simply shows your chances of getting a loan if you complete the loan application process correctly. Loan applications are usually delayed if you submit wrong information or omit certain details.
SwiftMoney has a 97% loan approval rate. If you fill in the loan application and submit all the required documents, your chances of getting a loan are almost guaranteed (97%). We don't look for reasons to decline applications. SwiftMoney is a credit brokerage service with access to hundreds of lenders in the UK. We have many lending partners ready to lend against approved applications at any given time.
You may have found yourself on this webpage after searching for; instant payday loans, fast loans, quick loans, instant cash loans, same day loans or other similar terms on Google. Although you need a loan in the shortest time possible, you must make sure you are working with a reputable lender or credit broker first.
Swift Money is FCA-authorised (738569), Company Number 07552504. SwiftMoney has also taken privacy/security measures to protect customer data (Data Protection ZA069965). Our loans are fast and tailored to meet the most unique cash needs. You don't need to move an inch to get an emergency loan. Our loan application process is 100% online. We also offer flexible loan amounts starting from ?50 as well as flexible and affordable repayments.
FCA Register
Swift Money Ltd are authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Authorization can be checked on the FCA register at: Firm reference Number: 738569
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