We currently use Scratch, Lego Mindstorm and MIT App Inventor to engage and teach icon based coding to great success
We currently use Scratch, Lego Mindstorm and MIT App Inventor to engage and teach icon based coding to great success

That's why I'm here

I'm here to learn more from the community as to how we can make our program stronger and impact youth learning and engagement.

I am a career diplomat with working experience in a variety of challenging environments from the Balkans to Afghanistan

I am a high school student (aspiring MIT student ). I plan on majoring in computer engineering, but also have a a strong interest in music, especially electronic composition.

For the past four months, I have participated in MIT's MOSTEC program and have come to enjoy online learning communities quite a bit.I figured LCL would be a great way to supplement my current learning and continue an online learning experience even after my MOSTEC experience ends in January.

Having discovered "coworking" experiences of social entrepreneurs and change-makers and got fascinated by the idea of sharing an inspiring space for creative collaboration and in connecting with people to explore these exciting concepts through Project InnoMate. InnoMate organizes three Meetup Groups in Brussels, in Luxembourg and in Istanbul.

With the team at InnoMate Istanbul, we have developed Project InnoCampus which will be a pop-up This is a non-profit social responsibility project.

Recently, we have applied to Horizon 2020 research and in of the European Union together dabble app with 12 partners from 7 different countries. The aim of our project proposal is to make science education more innovative through FabLabs. We took the responsibility of mobile FabLabs work package.

One of my passions is also creative education. The TED Talk of Sir Ken Robinson on "How Schools Kill Creativity" (2006), the movies "The Wall" and "Dead Poets Society" truly changed my perception about current education systems. We have to do something about it now!

I'm Dan. I had the fortune to stumble across LCL last year and really enjoyed the community, the work, and the doors it opened for me. I jumped at the chance to be involved again, so I am back as a moderator this year. Hope I can be helpful.

I currently work as the Technology Coordinator at a small, independent (private) school in Boston's Back Bay area. I get to work with students from K to 6th grade, to support the faculty and staff, and to manage tech projects like the school website. For the first 17 years of my teaching career, I was a classroom teacher mostly in grades 4-6. I have also worked as a computer consultant, as an apartment maintenance provider, and in a brewery. I have two children, 3 and 6, who fill my life with all the things kids fill one's life with. When not teaching or parenting or doing educational work like this, I find some creative outlet to delve into. Currently this is designing tabletop games. I recently ran a successful Kickstarter1 for my first game and am now working on getting it published. Other projects have included writing a children's novel and, separately, bookbinding.

Hello all! My name is Tracy, I run an Instructional Technology department at a University in Maryland. The timeliness of the email I received for he latest round of this learning community was amazing. I had just returned from the DevLearn conference in Vegas where two of the keynote speakers (Neil deGrasse Tyson and Beau Lotto) spoke about play in learning, creativity and critical thinking skills as keys for educating our current generation of children and young adults. I was inspired to step up my own learning and to expand my own learning community. I am looking for ways to make my office environment one of innovation for what we do, and I'm always looking for fun an exciting ways to help faculty expand their online learning environments so that they are more interactive and effective. As a parent, I'm also looking for ways to keep my 6 year old's passionate curiosity alive (and using it to inspire myself to do the same!)

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