Mama does not understand how a woman who has the opportunity to give birth to a child would even think “about getting rid of ” . When she informs Walter of Ruth’s decision, he is unable to say anything to his wife and leaves the room. By reading this quote, one can see that more tension arises in Walter and Mama’s relationship as a result of her strong stance on the issue of abortion. In the play, the Younger’s are faced with racism when Mr. Lindner comes and says, “Our association is prepared, through the collective effort of the people, to buy the house from you at a financial gain to your family” .
Based on a similar question, Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun, asked, 'What happens to a person whose dreams grow more and more passionate while his hopes of ever achieving those dreams grow dimmer each day? ' One of the major themes of A Raisin in the Sun is that even under the most devastating circumstances, one's continued pursuit of his/her dream can provide a 'lifeline' and an opportunity to escape the trials of everyday life. The family is looking to move into a house in a white bourgeois neighborhood. Although part of the $ 10,000 insurance check was used as a down payment on the house, the rest of the money was returned to the son of the family.
Some people seek out community service vacations, some seek adventure vacations, and other people simply want a nice, pretty beach and warm sun. All seek, I believe, to become better people, even if only simply through relaxation. My standards for happiness and my virtue ethics are less stringent than Aristotle's standards. Walter chooses the liquor business to make personal wealth and to provide for his family. He wants to make his wife happy and take his son to a prestigious college of his choice. He provides for his mother by stepping in his father’s shoes during her old age.
- JudaismJudaism Broadly speaking one could trace the history of Judaism back to the early religion of Israel, the religion that produced the Hebrew Scriptures that are known to Christians as the Old Testament.
- Petrie succumbs to constraints of society and alludes to their oppression but doesn’t make it the central theme.
- Several of the characters display their own particular kind of pride.
- I don’t mean yourself and also for the family ‘cause we lost the money.
- When some money does become available to him, his business opportunities are also few—for few businesses historically thrived in minority neighborhoods.